Attyka – one of architectural elements playing both aesthetic as well as practical and structural functions as protection of the neighbouring buildings from spreading of flames in the event of fire. The name of the room comes from the name of Attic Tower where it is located.

Audytorium – a room for conversation between the abbot and other monks

Calefactorium – the only heated room in a monastery

Cela – chamber, room of a Cistercian

Cenobium – life in a monastic community

Claustrum – a monastery. A garth and cloisters were sometimes called this way.

Dormitorium – bedroom of the monks, situated above a chapterhouse

Fraternia – „brothers’ room”, used to perform daily duties

Furtian – a monk attending at a gate (entrance to a monastery)

Grangia – a separate farmstead in the Cistercian abbey

Hypocaustum – a system of heating rooms with warm air

Kapitularz –a room for monks’ everyday meeting with the abbot

Konwers – a lay brother, without ordination, performing different services

Lavabo – a washbasin in a monastery at the entrance to refectory

Oratorium (kaplica) – (chapel) a separate room for the purpose of worship

Parlatorium – a room in a monastery for conversation with Guests

Scryptorium – a room in a monastery for rewriting of books

Wirydarz – a square yard, surrounded by cloisters


Ora et labora – Pray and work

Molliter Cubes! – Rest peacefully!

Ordo et pax – Order and peace (Benedictine appeal)

Age/Agite ut domi suae! – Make yourself/yourselves comfortable (exactly: do as at your own place)

Bonam Noctem! – Good night!

Ordo Cisterciensis – Cistercian Order

Bonum vesperum! – Good evening!

Te tamquam domi tuae sentias! – Make yourself at home!

Bene dormias! – Sleep well!

Placidam noctem – Quite night!

Bonum diem – Good day!

Gratia vobis et pax – Grace to you and peace

Hospes salve – Host greets you (Welcome guest!)

Vale! – Keep well! Farewell!

Valete! – Keep well! Farewell!

Beekeeper’s cell - The cell of the beekeeper – also called an apiarist – refers to the old craftsmanship of keeping bees, widely spread in Poland in the 16 th and 17 th century.

Cooper’s cell - Cooper was a craftsman dealing with manufacture of wooden utensils using stave method. His main products were barrels, used earlier to store beer, wine or mead.

Choral cell - Choral – liturgical solo chant of the Roman Catholic Church. Melodies of the choral which you can find on the wall provided the basis for multivocal medieval music.

Steward’s cell - Steward of the order looks after financial part of the monastic life – pays bills, employees, does the shopping, takes care of renovations. The room presents economical aspects of everyday life.

Gatekeeper’s cell - Gatekeeper – also called key holder or doorman who seems to tell the guests crossing the gates of the medieval monastery “Agite ut domi suae” (Make yourselves comfortable).

Distiller’s cell - Distiller – a servant between the 10 th and the 13 th century in Poland producing alcohol for the needs of the court. The Cistercians were also engaged in distillery.

Herbarium cell – herbal – a collection of drawings and dried plants. Widely spread in Europe in the 16 th century. The room in green colour referring to growing plants or gardening.

Converse’s cell - By joining the order converses gave up the reality of the lay world. Converse was a lay brother, without ordination, performing different services. Converses were usually second grade monks who were mainly doing heavy works and were deprived of opportunity to fully participate in life of the order.

Lector’s cell - A library-like room where the Word of God prevails. Only the lector – a Christian specially appointed for this function – could read the Word of God.

Novitiate cell – a period not longer than two years beginning life in a religious community. The painting on the wall presents a scene from religious life - a kneeling candidate for a monk asks for "God's mercy and admission to the novitiate".

Abbot’s cell - Abbot is a boss of the order. The room referring to monks’ life. Kept in tone of moderate serenity and medieval asceticism. Paintings on the walls present monks from the Cistercian order.

Brewer’s cell - The occupation of a brewer and its tradition can be traced back to medieval times when development of towns and beer craft took place.

Professed cell - Monks were preparing for taking vows (profession) in this room. "Listen, my son, to the teachings of the master and incline the ear of your heart to them" - "Rules" of St. Benedict,. A monk preparing for vows (profession) These rules were read three times before he decided to vow constancy and obedience.

Prior’s cell - The room presents everyday monastic life and particularly of the chief – prior. Modesty, simplicity and spirituality were main catchwords that guided the Cistercians.

Scriptorium cell - In the room you will find a desktop (scriptorium) for writing and reading, which in the medieval times was necessary to the monks during hand rewriting of books.

Winemaker’s cell - In the medieval times the Cistercians were producing wine as well and drank it for supper. Distillery equipment was located in today’s Miód i Wino Restaurant and a chimney in Chapterhouse makes a reminder of the Distillery.

Viridarium cell - Picturesque walls referring to garths (inside gardens often surrounded by cloisters) straight from the Middle Ages make you feel in this room as in a heavenly court.

Salomea of Berg’s cell - mother of Kazimierz Sprawiedliwy who brought in the Cistercians to Poland, treading in the room.

Otto Schenking’s cell - Catholic priest, Bishop of Inland. From 1613, the commandant of the Cistercian abbey in Sulejow.

Queen Jadwiga’s cell - Jadwiga was the Queen of Poland from 1384. In 1386 she was married to Wladislaw Jagiello who stayed in the abbey on the way to Grunwald.

Suite of Wladislaw Jagiello - The apartment was created to commemorate Władysław Jagiełło's visit to the Cistercian Abbey on his way to Grunwald.

Suite of Kazimierz Sprawiedliwy - Kazimierz Sprawiedliwy was the founder of the Cistercian Abbey, established in 1176 to commemorate miraculous finding of the king in Pilica Forest after he got lost during hunting with his retinue.

Infirmarian’s chamber - formerly the head of the infirmary - a nurse

Armarium chamber - Armarium – in other words a cabinet, an archive. It was used to store books, documents and valuable items.